Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Facebook As Court Evidence?

Lets face it with the advent of the internet the world is a much smaller place. People can be found in a blink online if you know what to look for. Facebook has made this info even more accessible. As a user of facebook I do believe it is important to use and create a community online because of the many benefits and opportunities it lends, but, you must also be aware of some of the possible problems associated with it.

With courtroom evidence it can be a particularly troubling web application. Below I have attached a link an article from USA Today a couple years back that illustrates the effect facebook can have on a court's decision.

In the article a young man in college caused an accident while drunk driving that caused a 20 yr old girl to be severely injured and hospitalized for over a week. 2 weeks after he was charged with drunk driving this young man attended a Halloween party dressed as  prisoner with an orange jump suit labeled jail bird. Not surprisingly these pictures were found and submitted to court to demonstrate that the defendant was not remorseful for his actions. Ultimately, this information was used as character evidence by the judge and the defendant was given longer sentencing.

    The important thing to remember is that facebook is for the world to see and once its posted that information is no longer yours its the world's and it can be used to bite you on the butt if you aren't careful. Please read this startling article on facebook in use at courts for character reference.

here is the link to the article:

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